Sunday, February 27, 2011

Poor Boy band rehearsal

Had 1st full band rehearsal this afternoon. Brett is an amazing guitarist. AMAZING!! Maree had her cello. Its proving to be a very acoustic sound. Warm and rich. I'm liking this direction. Almost chamber music. We explored a bunch of the tunes - getting into the subtle details, finding ways to highlight the forms with slight changes in texture and lots of space. The songs are growing on me. Tim Finn's sense of harmony is fantastic. There's one bit that could have been lifted straight from a Sun Ra composition if you can believe that!
I'm thinking again to make a set up more percussive and less drumkit based. A big deep drum, triangles and finger cymbals, gongs and singing bowls. Another practice tomorrow eve.. looking forward to that.


  1. Oh cool, you're in that! from what i read, it'll be amazing.


  2. I think its going to be a very interesting show.
