Saturday, February 26, 2011

TFW: Fringe Fair in Myers Park

Today was the Fringe in the Park mass showing - a load of acts converged in Myers Park to show some tit bits, including Genevieve, Nigel, Tahi and I of These Four Walls. John and Genevieve set up the Booth of Echoes and Remembrances early in the afternoon. Tahi, Fern (our 14 month old daughter) and I arrived a bit later. Tessa, who is performing with us at Lopdell House, was there handing out flyers and looked after Fern while Tahi and I performed. The four of us improvised our way through some poems of Genevieve's and we slipped in some snippets of some of the scenes we had devised last week. Played for about 15 minutes. I played bodhran (which always sounds so beautiful through a nice big PA), gongs, and sampler. Nigel played banjo. Gen sang and spoke. Tahi sang, spoke, and gonged a bit. It was fairly chaotic and fresh as a Wellington southerly. No doubt our show next week will be more drilled, but I for one hope we can retain the freshness that comes from not quite knowing what will come next...

Before our performance I handed out a load of flyers to passers by and explained what we are about - here is my take on us:

These Four Walls is a company interested in site specific work. We find a building we like, delve into the history of it, learn some of its stories etc, and present our findings in a poetic, musical, theatrical complex from within the very building.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awesome Chris!!! That sounds like a LOT of Fun!!! Lopdell House is a fantastic building and you'd find tons of history there ") It's just up the road from where I grew up ... Waitakere's rock!!! Sure you will too and if I could get to see These Four Walls perform, I'd feel honoured to share the experience ") Sorry I missed this performance as it sounds like it was a blast!
