Saturday, March 19, 2011

Unitec and Poor Boy Part 2

9:30 - 11am Todays class was the drum lesson class. I explained the rhythm pyramid and we went through the basic subdivisions exploring the different styles of music characterized by each subdivsion and how this changes when the tempo speeds up/slows down. I then demonstrated a basic drum beat in each subdivision and we went round the class giving everyone a go. When you take it a beat at a time, anyone can do it, even after they insist they cant.

12pm - 2 Diploma Group. A small group this one a quartet. It'll be a nice group, heavy metal and RnB/gospel being the two main influences. That should make for some interesting flavors I hope. We jammed a bit, and then we had a close examination of John Stevens ONE TWO game, taking it into versions in 3/4, 4/4 and 5/4. The group took to it well. We then played a cool game setting up different themed pathways around the group - names, a phrase from a song, and an animal sound. Each theme forms a unique loop and the challenge for the group is to have all three simultaneously going. Looking forward to putting this one on instruments.

2pm Fern Christi stage manger for Poor Boy picked me up and we raced back to the Maidment for a 2:30 dress rehearsal. From the bands perspective it was a shocker. Loads of mistakes, weird volume levels... and to our astonishment we get wonderful praise at the end of the run. Go figure.

6:30m Drilled a bunch of the songs for the 2nd preview later this evening. Especially the first one, Poor Boy. Its a tricky arrangement with lots of changes in dynamics and texture. We got it sitting nicely after a few goes.

8pm 2nd preview. A very good performance. We nailed our monitor levels before the show and it made a big difference compared to the earlier performance. We were able to really inject some feeling into the songs, and the singers responded with good performances too. Brett played some killer solos this evening. I'm thrilled to be sitting right next to him! Raymond reckoned in his notes after the show that we own it now, its ours. He's right. Opening night is going to be just fine.

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